The Quickening ...

"We are taught from a young age how to 'fit in' to the world around us. 'Give me a child to the age of 7 and I will give you the adult' (Old Jesuit saying)

We develop a self image and sense of identity based on external values. 'Who am I?' can only be known within the relationship we have with our own inner values.

In times of change, it is our identity which is challenged. 'Knowing thyself' is the lesson these times we live in presents ..."


Workshops & Courses

No workshops are currently scheduled.

This two-day seminar advances an individual’s awareness of their greater nature and develops direct access to intuition. You will discover a new definition of yourself through exploring many dimensions of consciousness. These discoveries often result in dramatic, lasting changes in life orientation and especially in the use of intuitive skills such as precognition and tuning into others.

Topics include:

  • Understanding the underlying principles of how you create reality
  • Moving beyond beliefs and past experiences
  • Balancing all dimensions of consciousness
  • Discovering who you are and who you are not
  • Direct knowing versus knowing about … a profound intuitive skill

In this seminar Scott will also present new information he intuitively received regarding the changes currently occurring on our planet and in your world along with means of accelerating one’s own self-mastery in response to these times of change.

If you are interested express your interest today.