The Quickening ...

"We are taught from a young age how to 'fit in' to the world around us. 'Give me a child to the age of 7 and I will give you the adult' (Old Jesuit saying)

We develop a self image and sense of identity based on external values. 'Who am I?' can only be known within the relationship we have with our own inner values.

In times of change, it is our identity which is challenged. 'Knowing thyself' is the lesson these times we live in presents ..."



1998 – Present Counsellor / Consultant / Trainer
Enabled individuals and business awareness of the underlying structural patterns which influence the achievement of chosen outcomes. Implemented an accelerated self mastery program, designed to improve an individual or groups ability to negotiate change easily and effectively to create successful outcomes.
1991 – 1998 Director / Trainer / Consultant (New Foundations)
Established and presented nine month change consultancy program 1991-1996. Lectured and consulted nationally on organisational and individual relationship with change.
1998-1991 Freelance Consultant / Change Counsellor Seminar Presenter (Australia)
Enabled individuals and organisations through programs on Time Management, Result Effectiveness and Principles of Structure and Change.
1986-1988 Freelance Consultant / Counsellor / Presenter New York / Washington DC
Developed new methods of building self-esteem. Trained minority group health professionals with innovative methods of revealing personal power and creative confidence. Consulted with senior executives with approaches to large scale change. Consulted parties in Arias peace plan, lectured at universities.
1985-1986 Sales Consultant (Shannon Office Systems)
Expanded sales base and was top national salesman. Interfaced with broad cross-section of office personal and executives. Educated clients in office management, efficiency and design.
1984-1985 Director DMA Australia (Technologies for Creating)
Marketed training concepts. Enrolled and taught programs. Trained staff to enrol, teach and enable others.
1979-1984 Director DMA (New York) Technologies for Creating
Developed and presented seminars to public groups and companies. Addressed methods of effective creating, macro structural patterning and change principles. In house, trained 1000 instructors in communication and training skills.
1976-1979 International Travel
Lived with and in many indigenous and western cultures broadening social, cultural, and global perspectives.